Tampa Florida Personal Injury Social Media

Social Media Sites and Your Personal Injury Claim

A GonzalezPersonal Injury

Social Media Sites and Your Personal Injury Claim

Byrd & Gonzalez Personal Injury Blog

Recent trends I encountered in representing clients involved in personal injury claims, are insurance adjusters and defense attorneys, going onto to social media sites to review not only the client’s pages but the pages of family members and friends. Adjusters, investigators and defense attorneys may create fake profiles to gain access to social media, looking for anything which can hurt your case. For example, evidence of you, exercising, golfing, dancing, going on vacations, vigorous activities etc...

Until your case is settled, be careful what you put on your page. If you can, make your page private by invitation only. Even if your page is private, during litigation the insurance company may request court permission to view your social media pages.

The most popular social media sites are Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Yelp and FourSquare just to name a few. Social media pages chronicle your daily activities, to include posting photographs and videos, locations you have “check in” to and giving detailed written accounts of such activities.

Always assume your activities are being monitored by the insurance company after your accident, the following are some helpful guidelines:

1.) Increase your privacy settings, and do not accept individuals to your social media sites that you do not personal know.

2.)Do not post details about your accident, or injuries, nor respond to anyone asking questions regarding your accident or injuries.

3.) Google your name, assume the insurance company is going to do the same. Let your attorney know of anything you find that concerns you, such as arrest records, information regarding prior or existing claims, and negative comments about you.

4.) Tell you your family members and friends not post about you.

-A. Gonzalez


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If you have been involved in an accident call me for a free consultation at 813-281-8801, or email me at anthony@bgpalaw.com.