Car Insurance Tampa Florida Personal Injury

What Insurance Do I Need To Drive a Car?

A GonzalezAuto Injury, Car Inusrance, Personal Injury, Vehicle Accident


Byrd & Gonzalez Personal Injury Blog

Florida only requires $10,000 in personal injury protection coverage (PIP), and $10,000 property damage liability (PD). PIP coverage reimburse you and your family members with up to $10,000 in incurred medical expense and lost wages. If you are at fault, PD covers you for damages you cause to the other person’s vehicle.

You should know, that if you purchase only these minimum coverages, and you cause an accident you could be personally responsible for damages that you cause such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

If you register a vehicle in Florida, you must purchase an insurance policy which complies with Florida law. Keep in mind that if you live out of state, but your vehicle in in the state of Florida for more than 90 days (during a 365 period) you must purchase PIP and PD coverage. The Florida DMV is authorized to suspend your driver’s license, vehicle license plate and registration, for up to three years or until proof of Florida insurance is provided. If the DMV cannot verify you have insurance coverage, the DMV will notify you by mail. The notification letter will provide the date of suspension. If you do not provide the DMV with proof of insurance before the suspension date, your driver's license, plates, and registration will all be suspended.
If you are caught driving without insurance or charged with certain criminal traffic offense, you could be forced to carry SR 22 or FR 44 insurance. In those cases, the entire premium must paid each time the policy renews during the mandatory period.

If you ever cancel your Florida insurance, you must immediately remove the Florida license plate and turn it into the DMV or tax collector's office. This will prevent your driver license from being suspended for no proof of insurance.

Currently, there is a bill pending in the Florida legislature, which would require carry bodily injury coverage (BI). BI covers you in the event you are at fault for the accident, and the other party is injured.

-A. Gonzalez


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